Briefly Write Poetry Prize 2023 – Results

…smeared and stinging with translation…

In its third year, the Briefly Write Poetry Prize continues to inspire, delight, challenge, entertain and move us. We are so grateful to have had the chance to read such a diverse array of short poetry.

Many re-reads and painful decisions later, we’re excited to share our winners, shortlisted and longlisted poets. Each of these explored, crafted and created new worlds, moments and memories. We hope you enjoy discovering these poems as much as we did.

The quality (and quantity!) of submissions still astounds us. Thank you to every single person who entered for sharing your words, stories and experiences. Thank you for supporting our poets, for taking the time to discover new pieces and for simply being here (however you stumbled across this page). Thank you for your comments and encouragement, for all the love and support you have shown our little literary space. And thank you for the poetry.

The Briefly Write Poetry Prize will be back next year. In the meantime, do keep revisiting, re-reading, re-listening and discussing. And keep writing, keep creating, keep sharing.

With wishes for many more literary discoveries together,

Daniel and Elinor


Mesrure Onal, ‘small mercies’


Elisabeth Flett, ‘amsterdam’


Ava Patel, ‘Do You Think About the Sea?’


Begüm, ‘now, where was I’

Hana Damon-Tollenaere, ‘Summer Night / Desperation’

Devaki Devay, ‘It’s’

Sarah Dickenson Snyder, ‘You Are Not Your Death’

Alice Louise Lannon, ‘Spring’

Thomas Mixon, ‘Intercostal’

Fiona Ritchie Walker, ‘Rehearsal’


Sara Backer * Linette Marie Allen * Creana Bosac * Esther Yumi Ko * Clara Burghelea * Jack Cooper * Michael Okafor * Adrija Ghosh * Zoe Davis * Susi Lovell * Rosalind Moran * Martins Deep * Kelli Lage * Leyelle * Rishika Srivastava * Jayant Kashyap * Rikki Santer * Liz Verlander * Jonathan Gwaltney * Arundhathi Anil * Edward Hughes * Abi Pate * Jennifer Elise Wang * Anna Kibbey * Amelia K. * Claire Taylor * Sudipa Chakraverty * Lei Kim * Linda McCauley Freeman * Adam Sampson * Karin Hedetniemi * Sobur Adedokun * Angharad Williams

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